Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training now available!

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training workshop can help your team understand the Equality Act 2010, and why having a diverse workshop is a real plus for any business.

A typical workshop may explore the following:

* Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - What does each term mean and why they matter

* Stereotyping and Bias, and how to notice and challenge these

* Types of discrimination - e.g direct discrimination, discrimination by association, discrimination by perception, etc.

* Positive discrimination and positive action

* Objective justification

* Equality Act 2010 - the 9 protected groups (marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, age, gender, sex, religion and beliefs, race, etc.)

* Employer and employee responsibilities

* What is harassment

* What is victimisation

* Other unacceptable behaviours

* Being an Ally

* Understanding privilege

* What can we do to be more inclusive?

* Handling Disagreements over values and beliefs