Bio - Energy Therapy

Support your wellness journey with our complimentary medicine therapy.

Are you looking for a unique way to support yourself and / or your team?

 Many people and organisations are recognising the power of complimentary medicines to assist in wellness and to bring relaxation. Through the practice of Bio-Energy Therapy, an ancient form of energy medicine, together we can bring balance to all aspects of your life.

Every one of us has a unique energy system made up of different electromagnetic fields in a wide range of frequencies.

This is called our bio-energy field. This field is made up of electromagnetic emissions, which are closely connected to our physical body as well as our external environment. Therefore, our bio-energy field is like a mirror, showing us the changes occurring in our internal body as well as the external elements affecting it.

Bio - Energy Therapy works on the principle that injury, trauma and reoccurring thought processes can cause blockages in the normal energy flow within the human body. The trapped energy prevents the body's own healing processes to operate. 

The human body wants to heal itself. In fact, in a healthy body, 98% of the molecules are replaced every year. Why is it then that some people suffer with ongoing conditions, illness, and thought processes, perhaps leading to dis-ease in the body or mind? This suggests that the molecules aren’t being regenerated and that healing cannot occur.

By removing the energy blockage using mainly non-hands on techniques, healing can take place.

The idea is based upon the Indo-Chinese theories of energy, or Chi, or Prana, and its flow around the body’s meridians and through the chakras.

A Bio - Energy Therapy session is generally 45 minutes in duration, and the recommended course of treatments is for one session a week for three weeks, and then a follow on session four weeks after the third session.

To read some research and papers written about energy healing, click here.


The treatment itself involves the practitioner using a series of hand movements around the client. This increases the flow of energy in the chakra system and the energy field surrounding the body. The practitioner will locate the blocks and then will go on to use different healing techniques to release the blocks and re-establish the natural flow of energy. When the flow of energy is restored, the practitioner will balance and ground the client before completing the treatment. The client remains fully clothed at all times.

Distance healing, where the client and the practitioner are not in the same location, is available and is highly effective.

If you’re interested to learn how Felicity can support you and your organisation with Bio - Energy Therapy then please do get in touch.

Felicity has holds a Bio - Energy Therapy diploma issued by Bi-Aura International, and is fully insured.


“I had the opportunity to have a session with Felicity and have to say I was very impressed.

I have always been a little sceptical on such matters but had tried all conventional avenues to get me feeling "my old self" after not feeling too great and was happy to try anything! Felicity had no previous knowledge of my health issues but picked up on them very quickly. She left me feeling very relaxed and "different" It's very difficult to explain but I can only say I felt it working.
Felicity is a lovely lady and makes you feel so much at ease and I would wholeheartedly recommend her and her healing.”

“Remote” or Distance Healing

If you are not local to Felicity, or are unable to travel, Felicity can offer your Bio - Energy Therapy Session via remote healing. Remote healing is sometimes called ‘distance healing.”

Remote Healing works on the premise that where thought goes, energy flows. It works with the power of intention. Remote healing energy can get transferred over long distances because we are all connected.

To receive remote healing, we will start by having a chat on the telephone, then you would sit or lie down where you can relax and won’t be disturbed. During the session you may feel various sensations as the energy works its magic. A session typically lasts for around half an hour. Afterwards a second phone call with take place to communicate what came up during the session.


“I had a healing session with Felicity a few weeks ago, it was wonderful - calming and totally relaxing. Its hard to explain but you are aware of feeling different after the session - I can only describe it as though I had received the solution to a problem (that I wasn't aware of) that had been wearing me down.

I keep my eyes closed during treatments - I’m easily distracted! - but I was amazed to "see" colours as the session progressed. It will be interesting to see whether these colours change during future treatments.”