A man meditating. He is wearing a red t-shirt and taking deep breaths.

Did you realise….

Medication is one letter away from Meditation

Maybe there’s a better way.

Mindfulness and Meditation is often one of those things we know we should be doing, but we put off, or don’t know where to start.

If that feels like you, we can help. We have various options to help you practice those mindful moments.

Feel calmer, connect with your breath, take some time just for you.

Our sessions are suitable for everyone, individuals and the workplace alike.

Don’t Suffer In Silence, Chat to others in our “Serenity Sessions”

Sometimes the best way to feel better is to take time out to talk. We hold regular live “Serenity Sessions” where we meet online for an hour or so and take a break from the day. It’s an opportunity to check in and see how you’re feeling. Each session is very relaxed, with no (or little) set agenda. It’s a safe space for you to explore how you’re feeling, and share ideas with like minded people.